Excerpts from a Dusty Tome

Phantaia Awakens

“The trees of Phantaia had awakened once more within the humid night that now embraced them. Mighty trees of beech and elm, oak and alder, stood lithe and erect within the shadowed heights, full in figure and foliage dense with leaves and limbs stretched and open to the skies. Wrapped by the Shade’s eternal night, […]

The One Tree

The following is an excerpt from Phantammeron Book One by author Mitchell Stokely. The mythological concept of a “Cosmic Tree” or World Tree is a universal archetype shared around the world by many cultures. Over thousands of years, Mankind’s association with Nature has imbibed our experiences and myths with ancient trees. This goes back to […]

The Secret Spring and her Child Phanduan

The following is an excerpt from Phantammeron Book One by Mitchell Stokely. Often in religious or mythological writing, we associate Nature, the Gods, and the cosmological play with relationships and people…the anthropomorphic “play” that forever fills the stage of our personal psyche. We as Humans associate best with the powers that be through the “Human […]