My next novel in the fantasy novel series, Phantammeron Book Two, is slowly taking shape. I’m fully committed now to the next novel. There are too many fascinating events in the next two Phantammeron books I want to get down on paper. So I’m doing small pieces of the novel as time permits. As I’ve […]
Excerpts from a Dusty Tome
Phantammeron Book One Secrets
I would like to share with my readers a few secrets from my book, Phantammeron Book One. There is a lot of hidden things I have placed in the book for readers to ponder, many which lead into things revealed in later books. And its these secrets that make the books so much fun for […]
Poetic Prose
The idea of writing novels in poetic prose did not originate in the Phantammeron. But when I started writing my novels I set about designing a “new” form and format unique to “higher” fantasy – something approaching a “mythic” form of expression. I then naturally fell into a longer writing style reminiscent of what I […]