Note: The story below will appear in an upcoming novel in the Phantammeron epic fantasy series. The tale of Laveanna will appear in book five (5) of the Phantammeron. As of 2015, only book one (1) of the Phantammeron has been released, and is for sale as an eBook at Amazon Kindle. Books two (2) and three (3) will […]
February, 2012
How to Make a Golem
Long ago in the lands of Galaia, bordering the ancient Ironwood Forest of the Skathas, I met an old alchemist sitting beside the road. I gave him bread and water, and in return he handed me a dusty old page from an ancient tome. He told me an interesting tale, that in olden days, he […]
Early Illustrations from the Phantammeron Book
From 1986 through 1992 I was involved in the early outlines of the Phantammeron book. During those early years I also managed to complete a few illustrations and watercolors from various stories found in the novel. Sadly, I did not spend the kind of time really exploring more of the character-type drawings I was planning […]