January, 2016

What Is Writing To Me?

As a new writer, I thought today about what it means to write. So, I thought I would share my ideas. For me, writing is about creating a world that doesn’t exist, but could or may have, once upon a time. It’s about a world where the spiritual basis for the world has meaning beyond […]

Author Mitchell Stokely – Writing Notes 1

Writing fantasy is about creating worlds that don’t exist but may have once upon a time. It’s exploring a place where the spiritual basis for the world has meaning beyond our own, a purpose beyond our shallow needs, human longing, and desire. To me writing is about moving through a sphere where deeper often ironic […]

Love Poem by Bentley Sloane

‘Tis Flood-Tide Time One night the rivers changed their course;the tides swept in where marshlands lay.The floods of love had found their source;My heart was full, the skies were gay. The stars burned closer to the earth,The winds of evening sang to me.I found her whom my love gave birth,We touched our lips, our souls […]