Another excellent tome on comparative mythology was compiled by Sir James Frazer in The Golden Bough of 1888. This old, almost outdated book is a compressed version of a much longer series by the mythologist Frazer. Like Joe Campbell of more recent times, Frazer traveled the world studying primitive people and cultures, seeing the sympathetic […]
Tangled Roots and Broken Branches
The Age of Innocence in the Phantammeron
In Book One of the Phantammeron, chapter 10, there is a scene where the young girl Ana arrives upon a hill riding the unicorn called Phanyan. That fairy tale scene ends in the middle of the Forest of Twilight upon a high hill. She then shields her eyes as she witnesses the spectral beauty of […]
Where does Fairyland Come From?
One of the hidden motivations for writing the long Phantammeron series had to do with my desire to write a rich “Creation Myth” for the origins of the archetypal place we know as Fairyland. This idea is not yet revealed in the first novel. But my original idea behind Phantaia and the Phantammeron worlds was […]