I was Darkly Dreaming

Why Do We Keep Writing More Urban Dystopia?

“That’s why I have written a dystopian novel. I wanted to examine what is best about humanity and think about what would happen if we let that go, even if it is by accident. Although it may seem like I have written a novel that warns against technology, this is not entirely true. I embrace […]

Who Were the Ancient Egyptians?

Who were the ancient Egyptians? What would their DNA show us? It turns out the Ancient Egyptians were not from the African continent, the Saharan region, or the Middle East, DNA studies showed they were from Anatolia or the region of Turkey, SE Europe, and Near East. There’s some DNA evidence that shows their ancient […]

What is Evil?

What is Evil in a Modern Society? Many people who have abandoned religious thought struggle with the word “evil”. I think many of our modern business and political leaders certainly do. But the ideas behind morality and evil still live in our culture and our laws despite our modern ambivalence towards evil and its affect […]