From 1986 through 1992 I was involved in the early outlines of the Phantammeron book. During those early years I also managed to complete a few illustrations and watercolors from various stories found in the novel. Sadly, I did not spend the kind of time really exploring more of the character-type drawings I was planning on doing. However, right now, I am working on a few of those. But these early drawings give you some small insight into the bigger more imaginative world of the Phantammeron. I have plans for much more detailed and illustrative watercolors and pen and inks for the book, so think of these older works and precursors for a much grander project. Still it was fun to to pull back these old drawings because they were done when I was in my early twenties and a young man bent on exploring his deeper imaginings.
Phantammeron Art #1 - Wyrms of Nimor
Phantammeron Art #2 - Dimlorien
Phantammeron Art #3 - Dimlorien
Phantammeron Art #4 - Underworld Lord
Phantammeron Art #5 - Dimlorien Underworld Hall
Phantammeron Art #6
Phantammeron Art #7 - Fey-Ama Directing the Mortals
Phantammeron Art #8 - The Twilight Forest of Phantaia
Phantammeron Art #9 - Cavernous Causeway
Phantammeron Art #10 - Dimlorien Hallway, abandonded
Phantammeron Art #11 - Dimlorien Vault, abandoned
Phantammeron Art #12 - Underworld Staircase of the Giants
Phantammeron Art #13 - Aman and Shavalima the White Hawk
Phantammeron Art #14 - Drawing for the Wyrmkind Waterdolor
Phantammeron Art #15 - Dimlorien Nave, abandonded
Phantammeron Art #16 - Giant Underworld River Bridge
Phantammeron Art #17 - Mountain Watercolor
Phantammeron Art #18 - Monadas' Flame
Phantammeron Art #19 - Nouveau Illustration ("Sun Goddess")
Phantammeron Art #20 - Ian Miller Phantammeron Seal