Leftovers and Sour Mash

On Integrity

Someone brought up “Integrity in Leadership” on another social media platform, so I thought I would add my 2 cents on that. I’m commenting on this as it is a definite factor in how I separate the “good” characters in my novels and the darker ones who, lacking integrity, choose all kinds of crazy paths […]

Matriarchal vs Patriarchal Societies

I posted this article years ago in one of my Facebook writers group discussions about how to write fiction around Matriarchal societies. Female and Male-based societies form the foundation for Western Civilization. Their structures control our mythologies, cultures, and even family units. These structures are changing today just as they changed so radically thousands of […]

On Political Correctness

As a writer I’ve been following the current trend in free speech, political correctness, and open opinion online. Young people today are pushing for a world that is more inclusive and trying to ‘eradicate’ all forms of intolerance, racism, hate speech, and antiquated views of history. I’m actually for this political correctness movement on some […]