Walk Your Own Path

“Walk your own path”. That is my only advice for young people. Sounds simple but very hard to do. Few people I know have done it. Following your own path however will not just bring rewards later, but may save your life, especially when you grow up in a decadent society of drugs, partying, greed, self-interest, and immorality.

The goal isn’t to belong or even change the world by not belonging. The goal is simply to stand up for beliefs and values you hold dear in your heart, and then give those to your children by example.

Every great artist, physicist, writer, musician, and political leader that changed a domain in the world walked through the painful transition of becoming a lonely adult few understood. Know it is painful and difficult as a young person to walk alone. There is so much pressure today to belong with social media. Few survive that pressure into adulthood.

But none of the wonders and magic great people created would have ever been done if they had not accepted their loneliness and isolation as a small penance for walking alone and remaking the world.

Either we recreate what’s been done by others before while accepting the status quo of mediocrity or we experience the thrill of our original minds fashioning something new and the fulfillment of unique creativity like our Creator. For there was only ever one of them, as there was always ever one of you. You are not the group.

Don’t waste a life following the crowd. Don’t waste your time repeating what others have said or done to fit in and feel loved. Rebel and break free of others and societies fallen ethics and views. Its the joyous rebellion against it all for the sake of art or morality or connecting to our Creator that makes being you so exciting!

Peace to All,

– the Author

Created Dec 9, 2018, 11:36 AM

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